
My name is Arin. I also go by Lotzy Love. I'm a 3D model maker that works with a mix of scratch work and kitbashing commercial and game assets.
I do models mainly for 3D Vtubers with the ARKit Facial Tracking, and VRChat Roleplay Characters.
A lot of my projects also work in tangent with my best friend, DarkCloset3. Find her portfolio hereSOME OF MY WORK CAN BE CONSIDERED NSFW OR LEWD IN NATURE, PLEASE DO CONSIDER BEFORE BROWSING THAT PORTION OF MY PORTFOLIO

My Work

Here you'll find my full portfolio, usually all done via the renders I make. Things will be separated between kitbash, mix work (both kitbash & scratch), scratch, and solely render works.NOTE:NOTHING IS IN ANY PARTICULAR ORDER, JUST HOWEVER I CAN GET THEM ON HERE


Mix work


Other Renders


PLEASE BE WARNEDMY NSFW RENDERS INCLUDE 18+ AND SEXUAL CONTENT, INCLUDING NUDITY, SEX, ETCBE AWARE BEFORE LOOKING THROUGH THESEThis portion of my portfolio is still fresh, I hope to keep adding more to it as time goes on


Howdy! My Name is Arin
A lot of people know me as Lotzy Love, a 3D Vtuber that focuses in on being bad at video games and being a professional idiot.
I've been 3D model making for over 5 years now. The first 2 (1/2) years being solely kitbashing models for myself for VRChat. The other half of my time has been learning from scratch work with my best friend, DarkCloset3.Kitbashing and retexturing was, and continues to be, my favorite project types. I do adore working on from scratch stuff, though!I also have a little bit of an obsession with making quick renders with Cycles in Blender. I've been trying to expand my render works slowly but surely, diving into animation and more detailed backgrounds.


You can reach out to me via Twitter DM's usually - @LotzyLo
Or, if you already have direct contact with me on Discord, don't hesitate to send me a message there! I do have a bit of anxiety accepting random friend requests, so I do apologize if you would much rather reach out to me there. - Lotzy#7777
If all else fails, I do have a business email for any and all inquiries!
[email protected]


From Scratch Assets
(Depending on complexity, prices may vary)
Full Body + Hair (No Outfit) - $150
Full Model With Outfit - $200 to $250
Hair - $20+
Outfits For Existing Models - $40 to $55
Props - $10 to $15

VTuber Model Addons
ARKit Face Rigging - $80 to $100
VRM/VSF Avatar Setup - $10

Kitbash Models
(Depending on complexity, prices may vary)
Full Model - $30 to $45
Outfit Swap - $15 to $25
Unity/Model Setup for VRC - $10+
Any additional weapons/animations for models will vary, but will add to the price.

Blender Renders
Varies depending on pose and backgrounds
Basic (Standing/Sitting w/ Color Backdrop) - $10
Moderate (More detailed pose or background) - $20
Heavy Detail (Lots of detail in the background, difficult pose) - $35
Additional Prices
Posing with props + $5
Additional models within render + $5 per person

Terms Of Service

You can reuse any scratch assets I create for you for personal use. Anything that is prebuilt and used in a kitbash must be bought from the orignal creator.I will provide a document of any/all assets I use (If Requested), if your model is a kitbash.30% Upcharge for commercial rights.Commercial Examples being:
Assets on a model you sell for VRChat
A Model that you use for content creation
Renders or Models used to create merch or any other products
Depending on the price of the model, I may request a percentage up front be paid (Via Paypal Invoice). Anywhere between 25% to 50% can be required before I start on your commission.No Refunds if I've already started on your commission. I can provide a partial product if not paid in full. Depending on certain situations, you may recieve a partial refund.If you do not pay, I have the full right to reuse your commission for kitbash commissions and/or selling the from scratch assets via my Gumroad.Commissions can take anywhere from a week or two, or up to two months. Keep that in consideration. You can DM at any point about updates during the time I'm working on your commission.PLEASE have what you want on hand (reference, character sheet, detailed description, etc.) I am not someone who will take "just wing it" as an answer. I need a decent understanding of what you want.Revisions to models are possible, up to one or two different times for free. Beyond that, there may be an upcharge to fix multiple or future things. This is why I request you know what you want for your commission.Any and all of my TOS is liable to change.